
Sunday, May 4, 2014


Chloe celebrated her birthday "properly" as we say over here this weekend. We had a nice dinner out last night and then today she had 12 of her good friends join her for a scavenger hunt - although they are called treasure hunts here instead of scavenger hunts.  Enjoy some pics of today's festivities.

Some scavenger hunt highlights:

Spell C-O-C-O

Chloe's good friend Ellie
 The Herd

Take a selfie with someone over 60.

Pose in the front of a store window



  1. Happy birthday! I hope you guys had an amazing time!

  2. I loved the picture frame and the spelling of coco........The cupcakes looked really really yummy. Hope you ate one for me...LOL I loved all the different things they had to do. Lots of fun and not just an ordinary birthday party.

    Love and lots of kisses,

    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell
