
Saturday, January 11, 2014


We had a special night last night out with the UK Hallmark Board having our Christmas Party a little bit after Christmas.  We were lucky to have some good friends (Ex-pats here from Colorado) Steve and Laurie willing to watch the three kids overnight so we could have some "big person" time.

We had a dinner last night at a place called the Angel Inn in Hetton - about 30 miles from our house in the Yorkshire Dales (hilly area of the country)

Beautiful Yorkshire Dales this morning:

Woke up to a nice British morning and enjoyed some breakfast before picking up the kids.

Last night before dinner

 They call that bacon here...(psss... it is really ham)


  1. Wow, you all looked so cute.....The countryside is beautiful(but I think I've said that before) lol..It is so good to get away for just a few hours and reconnect with each other.

    What nice friends to watch the kids for you all.

    The breakfast looks pretty yummy.


    Mom & Pop

  2. What a nice time to get away from it all. Angel Inn looked like a lovely place for a night and the hills were beautiful. I'll pass on the breakfast though Dean and the boys are curious how much "toast" was available. They miss the toast :).

    Love you
