
Friday, January 31, 2014


Just when I thought Kel and I had passed the last "UK License" exercise of the year - we get this notification today letting us know we had to pay for our annual renewal of our UK TV License.  When we arrived last year I was told we would have to pay for a TV license for the right to own a TV which we did.  I didn't know it was an annual charge.

So £145.50 is the charge which converts to $240 US dollars I will pay tonight for the right to continue to watch addition to my monthly cable bill.  Hmmmm


Thursday, January 30, 2014


Sadie started taking piano lessons about a year ago and asked if she could do singing lesson this past September.   She was asked to perform for her school today - singing a solo and playing a piano solo.  It brought tears to the eyes of her teachers as they could remember how scared she was when she started here and how far she has come.

Sadie sings her solo:
 Sadie plays piano solo:
Sadie sings with her class:

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Sadie enjoyed the Christingle celebration last year when we first arrived and got to celebrate it again this year with her class.  Enjoy some pics and a short video.

Last year's post:



A year ago I had never heard of Leeds or Harrogate, but apparently Kansas City has mass appeal everywhere.  Check out these items we found in local stores.  I doubt they know where it is, but all things American are a bit trendy here so you see the influences!



Needed to pick up some essentials and some we headed to Leeds for a day of shopping.  Leeds Trinity is a shopping mall with a roof over it - but open air on all sides - someone forgot to tell them that this is England not Malibu as it is a beautiful setting - but cold as Christmas! Enjoy some pics of the day. 



Chloe has a group of girls - I think about 14 in total that all hang together at school and outside of school. They call themselves "The Herd".  The "Herd" had a gathering last night for a movie night at one of the girls house.

Enjoy some pics of Chloe and the Herd and some other misc. pics.

 Chloe and Ellie

Saturday, January 25, 2014


It sounds like God was looking out for us with the fire that occurred right next to our home we still have in Kansas City.  The fire started on our neighbor's back deck when their weber type grill blew over with hot coals in it.  There was some motorcycle fuel stored underneath the deck which accelerated the fire.  The wind was blowing in the direction opposite our house and the house next door to the affected house suffered damage but all reports are that ours is fine.  Our friends that live in the house are fine - but they have lost nearly eveything - memories - pics etc.

Some pics of the damage.


We got word last night from the folks that are staying in our house that the house right next door burnt down over night.  Apparently no damage to our place and our neighbors got out ok.  So sad to know a family has to rebuild.  Our thoughts are with Les, Sarah, and Miles today.



A sunny morning for our weekly BATE.  Mom joined us - but stayed in the car.



We have had other plans the past few Fridays but were able to get back to our routine of Fish Friday last night enjoy our  favorite at Drakes in Knaresborough.


Thursday, January 23, 2014


and sings...and sings...and sings. Sadie is becoming quite musical with her piano lessons she is improving each day and was asked to represent her house at school (Duckworth) in their music competition in March.  She is also working on a solo singing piece to be performed for parents in a month and the Jr. School next week.

Last week she visited with her class a local nursing home and sang to the residents.  She thoroughly enjoyed it.


Monday, January 20, 2014


Typical weekend here in merry ole England.  A birthday party for Sadie - homework for Chloe and Dawson - some movies - some pizza - Chinese etc.

Some pics from our weekend.

Sadie Fairies in the grocery store
 Men taking care of some business in the town center
 Sadie's cinema birthday party at Rudding Park
 Knaresborough (3:00 in the afternoon : ))


Saturday, January 18, 2014