
Saturday, June 21, 2014


Chloe had a house rounders competition today where her house - DUCKWORTH - took 2nd place.  She plays first base and had a couple of great games defensively and offensively!


It had been a few weeks since we had a BATE so we were happy to be back in Knaresborough this morning for some treats!

All decorated for the tour de France coming in a few weeks.



Dawson was invited to the Sports Dinner last night - a celebration of those that played on school sports team this year.  It was a dinner with speeches by each of the team captains.  Most importantly the boys and girls had to be dressed in their "smartest" dress.  Dawson thinks he is ready for the business world with his new suit!


Sunday, June 15, 2014


Dawson had some friends over on Friday night for some games, pizza, and sleepover to celebrate his birthday.  Who knew boys could be louder than girls!

 Kaidan, Dawson, Chris, Ben, and Fen



Can you say SPIEGELTENT?  Last Saturday night Harrogate was having an arts festival and we brought our guests from KC with us for a night out listening to a jazz group called Nubiyan Twist.  The concert was located in a Spiegeltent that was temporarily setup in the middle of Harrogate. 

You can read below more on what a Spiegeltent is.

A Spiegeltent (Dutch for "Mirror Tent", from spiegel+tent) is a large travelling tent, constructed in wood and canvas and decorated with mirrors and stained glass, intended as an entertainment venue.[1][2][3][4] Originally built in Belgium during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, only a handful of these Spiegeltents remain in existence today, and these survivors continue to travel around Europe and beyond, often as a feature attraction at various international arts festivals.

Around the year 1900 mirror tents (Spiegeltent) were built in Belgium to be used as travelling dance halls.The numerous mirrors made it possible to make discreet eye contact with other visitors.




It was only a short journey, but Chloe drove he Landrover down the driveway a few feet this weekend.  She wanted the accomplishment documented...since she would be driving if she was still in the US.


Saturday, June 14, 2014


I spent a few days this week in the Netherlands and then flew to London.  On the way into London I got a great view of the city on a sunny day.  Can you see Big Ben? 



Today was the Knaresborough Bed Race.   We haven't attended in the past, but made our way there today to enjoy the festivities with some friends from Arkansas that live here in Harrogate.  Some info on the bed race below.

The Great Knaresborough Bed Race is something different: it is part fancy dress pageant and part gruelling time trial over a 2.4 mile course, ending with a swim through the icy waters of the River Nidd.
First staged in 1966, Bed Race has spawned other similar events in the USA, Germany, New Zealand and elsewhere in the UK. It is great fun, an amazing spectacle and, being held in Yorkshire, a truly serious competitive effort, pitting teams against their fiercest rivals, their erstwhile friends or even against themselves. Whatever happens, it is never good enough and each vows to be back to do better next year!

The event was born out of the enthusiasm of the newly-formed Knaresborough Round Table in 1966, an organisation looking for a major charity fund-raising push. They came up with the idea of a time-trial in which teams would follow a pre-determined course pushing beds around the town.
It could have been a chariot race, a tug-o-war, a raft race on the river, a soap box derby or any of a hundred other ideas. But they plumped for a bed race, and somehow that unique combination with Knaresborough's almost perpendicular climbs and cobbled streets, the swim across the Nidd and the fancy dress pageant have worked together to make this such a huge and successful community event.
Due to falling membership, the Round Table cast around for another organisation to help and the Knaresborough Lions Club became joint-arrangers in 1993, taking over the whole event from 1998. Like their predecessors, the Lions are a bunch of volunteers who stage the event for charity. Funds are raised by the Lions, by the teams themselves for their own good causes and by other charities who get involved on the day. It is thought that the total raised is between £80,000 and £100,000.



Enjoy the view from our backyard.  When it isn't is absolutely amazing here to sit in the house and look outside.



Many homes here in the UK are called semi-detached homes.  These are similar to duplexes in the US.  The styles are actually built at the same time, but over time the owners make choices to upgrade one side and often not the other. One side will paint the brick, the other leave it natural.  One will paint their side brown the other side side puts on a new roof...the other leaves it the same in a different color.  Quite interesting.



Sadie took a field trip this week to walk around our city of Harrogate.  They spent a lot of time in class learning about the history of the city and got to see much of it for themselves this week.


Friday, June 6, 2014


Sadie participated in a jump a thon at school today - on a rare beautiful day we have had recently.